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07/20/2020 - CoVid-19 Update


Taylor Band & Orchestra is here to help you with your music needs.  Our entire staff has worked tirelessly to prepare our facilities for your visit, focusing on the safety for everyone at each step.  We are currently operating most services albeit in a modified approach with the exception of our lesson programs which have been suspended.      


For the safety of our staff and guests, the following changes have been made to the way we operate. 


  1. We are performing a daily well-check on all of our employees and sending anyone home who is ill or with fever.

  2. Facial coverings are being required to be worn employees and guests per State Order

  3. Guests who are experiencing flu-like symptoms, cough, fever, or difficult breathing, are being asked not to enter and seek medical attention.

  4. Hand sanitizing stations have been put in place near our entrance and at each service counter.

  5. We have increased cleaning of commonly touched surfaces and installed barriers where appropriate.

  6. All instruments are being treated with chemical and/or uv technologies upon arrival and after handling.

  7. We are limiting our customer occupancy to 6 at a time, and have re-designed our floor plan to facilitate social distancing including: one-way travel and limited occupancy based on department, spacing guides in our check-out line, and separate entrance and exit doors.

  8. Customers are asked to limit their time in our store to essential business only and limit "browsing".

  9. We are encouraging our customers to shop alone or with essential family only.

  10. We are suspending our instrument demo & petting zoo programs in addition to our face to face lessons.


We will continue to monitor the development of the CoVid-19 pandemic and adjust our policies accordingly.  Please check back often for our most current information.


Blessings to all,


Brad Connair - Owner

Taylor Band & Orchestra



(330) 733-4131


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2023 Taylor Band & Orchestra


2526 Wedgewood Drive

Akron, OH  44312

(330) 733-4131


3776 Fishcreek Road

Stow, OH  44224

(330) 673-5807

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